The Name of the Project:
G-LAB : Advanced genetic laboratory project intended to scan personalised familial cancer syndromes.
Project Owner
İstanbul Anadolu Kuzey Kamu Hastaneler Birliği.
Project Partner
Istanbul Technical University (MOBGAM)
Project Duration
12 months
Primary Purpose of the Project
The primary purpose of this project is to establish advanced genetic laboratory that enables to bring about information based medical service equipped with high technology in Istanbul area. As a continuation, the project aims to improve the basis of medical R&D which could help Turkey creating added value in global medical area.
Specific Purposes of the Project
- Scanning familial cancer mutation in breast and colon cancer by the help of next generation technologies, determining cancer transition with genetic transition and to decrease the spreading speed of cancer incidence.
- Empowering the cooperation between Public hospitals and the universities that could lead to make contribution for medical R&D background.
- Establishing infrastructure to improve alternative diagnosis and treatment opportunities.
Target Groups
- Patient Focused Target Groups
- Cancer Patients : Based on given statistics by Turkish Public Health Association, Cancer Department each year 200 people in 100.000 diagnosed cancer. In one year 30.000 people are diagnosed by cancer in Istanbul, where the population is approximately 14million.
- Breast and Colon Cancer Patients: Breast and Colon cancer are the most frequent types and familial genetic transition rate is the highest in these types. According to Cancer department statistics ever year 6.000 people diagnosed with breast and colon cancer.
- Genetic Transitive Cancers: Experts estimate that there is approximately %10 familial genetic transition in Breast and Colon cancer. Each year in the city of Istanbul there are 600 people, among breast and colon cancer patients, carry cancer mutation.
- Patient Relatives carry cancer mutation: In one year period, 6000 people carry cancer mutation, supposing that each patient has 2 brohers or sisters and 2 children, 2400 in under the risk of carrying cancer mutation.
- Service Focused Target Group:
- Gastroenterology Experts, Oncology Experts, Radiation Oncology Experts, General Surgery Experts. Experts who diagnose patients with breast and colon cancer, who plan and administer the treatments, make clinical observation and members of main expertise area are the target groups of the project.
Expected Results
- Short term:
- Community will meet with innovative genetic laboratory that can come up with personalised solutions, highly technological, information focused and open to R&D activities.
- Genetic transitive breast and colon cancer patients will be able to be diagnosed.
- Proper surgical treatment could be exercised for genetic transitive breast and colon cancer patients and it will provide an opportunity for the patients to prolong lifetime.
- It will be possible to prevent cancer mutation development in other organs for genetic transitive cancer patients or early diagnosis will be possible for second cancer risk.
- The existence of cancer mutation could be examined for relatives of genetic transitive cancer patients.
- Cancer preventive attention could be exercised for cancer diagnosed patients and followed closely to early intervene.
- It will be possible to prolong survival time by early diagnosis and treatment.
- Early diagnosis will reduce the treatment costs.
- Cancer development risk possibly be determined in cancer patients relatives before cancer developed and those group of people will be followed closely.
- Long term:
- Community will have a competent centre that can provide personalised solutions for non-diagnostic genetic disorders.
- Cancer Mutation Atlas of Turkey will be drawn.
- In case of observing frequent mutation points detected, the special kit will be developed for those risky points.
- Cancer awareness will be raised.
- Early diagnosis of people at risk of developing cancer will reduce cancer incidence and also will pave the way for reduce cancer deaths.
- The quantity and the quality of biotechnology focused R&D activities will be raised as a long term reflection of the cooperation between public Hospitals and MOBGAM.
- There will be a research on the influence of newly discovered mutations on genetic product within the context of R&D activities and the importance of undetermined cancer mutation points will be shared with the world.